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Building. Better. Riders.

English Horseback Riding Lessons

Horseback Riding Lessons

Simpson's Equine Activities offers English riding lessons from Beginner through Advanced Competitive levels.  Our Home property is located in the Springbank area about 10 minutes west of the Calgary city limits and we also operate a lesson program at Lauder Ranch, located just North of the TransCanada Highway towards Cochrane.  


Lessons alternate between flat and jumping each week incorporating elements of dressage, show jumping and cross-country jumping.


Our focus is on teaching fundamental riding and horsemanship skills in a safe and fun environment.


Horseback Riding Lessons
Horseback Riding Lessons

Our Lesson Program runs from September-June.


There is limited space in our lesson program at both locations.


Please email for further information and include your child's riding experience and age.


Please note that we do not offer birthday parties or individual rides.​

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